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The ‘Marker paintings’ capture a moment of time. A moment
before massive change to the people and to the environment.
The markers are placed in the landscapes here by a unknown hand, the ribbon or rag flows in the wind, denoting a change in the air .
The red ribbon shown here, might represent,
Papatuanuku, the earth mother, the sustainer of all living things.
Te Whei Ao, The realm of coming into being, the forest.
Rahui, a prohibition, here to protect a resource.
From the west coast to the east coast , corridors linking stands of forest to neighbouring stands creating safe passages for birds and wildlife to meander between coasts.
( The Forest Bridge Trust has been working since 2013 to create this vision)
Oruwharo (West)
Okahukura (West)
Tohitohi-o-rei, The dome. (centre)
Tamahunga (East)
Tawharanui (East)
A clearing in a forest/bush.
Development and growth in a changing landscape.
A move to the town, from wood to brick, from old quiet to new clamour.
Te Hauturu-o-toi
Resting place of the wind.
From its position at the entrance to the Hauraki Gulf, Hauturu rises majestically from the sea. A stand of Kauri in the foreground, standing where the seaside village of Leigh ( Omaha cove ) now lies.
I runga te moutere
On the island.
Early explorations, landings and settlement.
Akau Rocky shore.
The risks and danger of early exploration.
A vista from the Waitakere ranges to Auckland, capturing the inner suburbs of a growing Auckland. The numbers represent vacant lots awaiting purchase.
The ‘Marker paintings’ capture a moment of time. A moment before massive change to the people and to the environment. The markers are placed in the landscapes here by a unknown hand, the ribbon or rag flows in the wind, denoting a change in the air.
The red ribbon shown here, might represent,
Papatuanuku, the earth mother, the sustainer of all living things.
Te Whei Ao, The realm of coming into being, the forest.
Rahui, a prohibition, here to protect a resource.
The ‘Marker paintings’ capture a moment of time. A moment before massive change to the people and to the environment. The markers are placed in the landscapes here by a unknown hand, A stake in the ground.
Nga Rangi I totonga atama te kapua, the blood of Rangitoto.
Te Awanui o Peratu, The big river channel of Peretu, Perutu was a chief who resided at Narrow neck
Wai au , current.
Waka, craft.
Mahuika, Rangitoto fire mountain.
Kiritai, ‘Skin of the ocean’, Narrow neck beach.
Te Hau Kapau, ‘Cloud bank carried by the wind’ beach at North head.
Kia moana, sea food.
The ‘Marker paintings’ capture a moment of time. Here Wai-Horotiu flows freely alongside Queen street through a jumbled urban scene.
Markers as Nga Tohu Pumahara, The survey pegs of the past, or as memory markers.
Te Rerenga-or-iti, ‘The leap of the survivors’. The headland later renamed to Point Britomart, and then later removed.
Commercial bay, A name that describes the activity of the bay.
Te Nga u-wera, ‘Burnt Breasts’ the head at the mouth of the Wai Horotiu stream
Stylised map of the Moehau forest range in the northernmost tip of Coromandel peninsular .
Te Moengahau -o-Tamatekapua, The windy sleeping place of Tamatekapua
Rivers of Tamaki makaurau, shown left to right.
Wai-Papa, Mechanics Bay
Wai-Paruru, Mechanics Bay
Wai-Horotiu, Queen street
Tuna-mau, lower Victoria street West
Waikuta, Freemans Bay.
A map of the Hauraki Gulf, reimagined with all the implicit promises of routes new and old, in and out of the unknown.
Readings of history, the ocean, flora and fauna of the Hauraki Gulf, all come together into a map that speaks of culture rather than direction.
Whanga Ra, Bay of sunshine
Papa Koura, place of crayfish
Manga uruoa, waters in which sharks are found.
Nga tamawahine, The east wind or tide.
Aho, Fishing line
Kai moana, seafood
Nga Karapu, The north winds
Whanga-mumu, bay of boisterous winds.
Timu, low tide
Moana, sea
Repanga, covering the sea as cloak.
A map of the Hauraki Gulf, reimagined with all the implicit promises of routes new and old, in and out of the unknown.
A celebration of the Hauraki gulf, with its Pohutukawa clad island, rich sea life and diverse history.
Timu , low tide
Aho, fishing line.
Papa Koura, place of crayfish
Mango, school shark
Tikapa moana, Hauraki Gulf
Aihe, Dolphin
Whanga-mumu, bay of boisterous winds
Manga, stream, waterway
Markers on painted board, various sizes from 20 x 20 cm
studio images,